There are some fantastic new tools that are being developed in the world of recruitment and social media that leverage both technology and the mass audience data that is now available. There is no question that the social media platform has, and continues to dramatically change the way we market both our consumer and employment brands.
Social Media allows us to connect with individuals in a targeted and personal way. Reaching the exact type of audience framed by not only who we are as individuals, but also by our web surfing profile.
Why are people embracing Social media so much? Because humans inherently want a personal and emotional connection with others... and that is what branding appeals too. If employers connect with candidates on this level at the beginning of the recruitment journey, then the success of the recruit, and subsequent employment experience can only be stronger.
Historically advertising has provided a broad outreach to a specific readership demographic, at a fixed cost. The results usually reap a spectrum of candidates which once reviewed, usually deliver a handful of candidates suitable for the interview process.
Recruitment within the social media outlets will seek direct access to the profile of candidates that are likely to fall into the interview process, allowing for tailored copy at a variable cost. The reach is narrow, but the suitability of candidates explodes...... and here is the kicker......the ability to get the attention of the Passive Job Seeker increases.
We know that a reader will pay more attention to advertising in a niche publication such as a cooking magazine, than a daily newspaper (because the chances of actually appealing to the readers needs are increased). Give me one publication whose demographic targets young, professional women, whose web activity includes online shopping for organic produce in Sydney, Gym timetables at Fitness First and hot Paris cafes......... and you got my attention!
Listen to how adidas are leveraging Social Media in their recruitment process http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egdnOVdVsRE&feature=channel_page