Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dismissing the GenY Attitudes

Global research shines the spotlight on a generation that continues to be the subject of many generalisations, confirming some myths and destroying others! The global report conducted by PriceWaterhouseCoopers* surveyed 4271 graduates from 44 countries.

Key Findings defines the Gen Y's as:
· Globally Mobile-91% believe they will work across geographic boundaries and will use another language in the workplace
· Socially Responsible-86% said they would consider leaving an employer whose sense of social responsibility did not reflect their own
· To be communicated via Social Media-85% are members of social networking sites such as Facebook
· Loyal -Employer loyalty is highly contingent on role fulfilment
· Commited-75% believe they will work for between 2 and 5 employers throughout the course of their lifetime
· Continuous Learning-Training and Development is the most important job benefit
· Leadership and Personal growth-98% believe working with strong coaches and mentors as essential to their personal development

As organisations struggle to maintain a diversified strategy to balance the needs of their workforce, those who are highly dependent on graduate intakes to foster and develop future leaders will need to get savvy with GenY speak.
The days of dismissing the ‘Gen Y attitude’ are fast closing in and those who can identify how, where and what to communicate will secure the best talent

*”Millennials at work: Perspectives from a new generation”

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Fallout of the GFC............Engagement levels for All Workers Drop 9% but Top Performers Drop 25%

The 2009/2010 U.S. Strategic Rewards Survey conducted annually by Watson Wyatt and WorldatWork revealed the impact downsizing and corporate rationalisation programs have had on employees. Key findings included;
  • Employee engagement levels for all workers dropped 9% in the last year, for top performers this decrease is 25%.

  • 43% of top performers said individual performance expectations have increased since last year.

  • 20% less people would recommend others take jobs at their company.

  • Top performers are 14% less likely to stay with their current employer.

  • 61% say their companies have reduced or suspended bonuses.

  • 41% believe that pay and benefit changes made by their employer in the past year have had a negative effect on work quality and customer service.

Many of the decisions made within organisations over the past 12-18 months were done out of sheer survival mode in reaction to the unknown. As a result, many organisations are now running a much leaner operation which will position them well financially for the next 2 year. However how much of this can be banked?

With as many as 50% of people looking to change jobs when the market recovers, it is imperative that organisations look at the total value proposition being offered to their employees with a critical eye.

  • What does your value proposition consist of?

  • Do all your employees know about the benefits that your organisation currently offers?

  • What could you add to this proposition that would be of value to your current employees? How will you promote or communicate this?

The lasting financial effects of rationalisation and downsizing programs can all be undone in an instant if faced with a 30-50% workforce turnover rate in one year. Whilst most employees understood the decisions taken by organisations during the crisis were a matter of necessity, spending money in the coming months on recruiting new people rather than rewarding existing staff will be a kick in the face for the loyal employees who have supported the organisation through the down turn.

The 2009/2010 U.S. Strategic Rewards Survey was conducted in May 2009 and is based on responses from 1,300 full-time workers at large U.S. employers. Read more about the Strategic Rewards Survey at

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pareto's 80/20 rule...Are you Applying it in the Workplace?

Common for the workday to be destroyed by menial tasks and distractions? Ever started the day with a plan and ended it with nothing done?

Pareto's Principle, the 80/20 Rule, serves as reminder to focus 80 percent of your time and energy on the 20 percent of those activities that are really important.

20% of our effort creates 80% of our results.Which means the other 80% of our effort is not serving us – Scary!

Ask yourself these questions?

Looking back......Review your day and week that have just past
What did you achieve that was critical to your organisation?
How long did it take you?
What else did you spend your time on?

Looking ahead..... make a change
What are the 20% or 3 things that are critical to the day or week ahead?
What is not?

Look at your to do list with a mentality of 'Delegate or Destroy' and identify 5 things that could fall into this category. If we are honest with ourselves there are some things that we have been trying to do for weeks, some even months! How important are they and are they really mission critical?

Look at your workplace and your responsibilities with fresh eyes. Have a conversation with your manager and ask some new questions. The answers may surprise you.